If you are looking for a credit card that works for you, you will need to know how you plan to use it. Will it be used for your everyday purchases or will it be used to pay for travel? Understanding more about what you want it for will enable you to make the right choice. Faysal Bank has five credit cards offering you access to MasterCard network around the globe. These are designed to offer you numerous discounts, offers, flexibility, lifestyle experience etc and that means it is possible to find one that suits your specific needs. The following is a summary of these cards and the benefits on offer by Faysal Bank Credit Cards:
1- Faysal Bank Airblue Credit Card
This is a Faysal Bank Airblue Credit Card that has been designed for those who love to travel and specifically offers rewards & discounts when you use local airline Air Blue. It comes with a limit of 100k-200k and an annual fee of PKR 2,400-4,500 applies. Applicants will need to have an income of at least PKR 30k. You can also enjoy discounts of upto 15% using Airblue Credit Card for your travel plans.
If you are a frequent flyer then this is a card that is affiliated with the fastest growing airline in Pakistan – Air Blue. When you spend on this card, you will earn Blue Miles which can then be redeemed for free Air Travel Tickets. The card is quite useful for those traveling on business from Karachi to other parts as you can also enjoy Gold airport lounge at Karachi.
2- Faysal Bank MC2 Credit Card
This Faysal Bank MC2 Credit Card also requires a minimum income of PKR 30k and it will cost an annual fee from PKR2,400 – PKR 4,500, it also has a limit of 100k-200k. It offers simplicity and flexibility and a wide range of rewards and benefits.
All spending comes with reward points and upto 15% discounts that can be redeemed at more than 800 retail outlets while using the card abroad will also give double reward points on every PKR 50 spend. Users will also be able to travel in style thanks to complimentary airport lounge access at Karachi Airport. 0% installment plans make paying for electrical items and home appliances even easier because of the 0% offer while users can benefit from up to 20% off food at over 80 restaurants. To add to this, users can also receive a discount of up to 50% on 100 lifestyle brands. This card is also suitable for those getting on the ladder of credit cards first time.
3- Faysal Bank Titanium Credit Card
This Faysal Bank Titanium Credit Card that can complement your lifestyle in many ways. To sign up, you will need an annual income of PKR 50k-100k while the annual fee is PKR 6,000. The limit for this card is 200k-400k offering a significant amount of flexibility for people who like to spend responsibly.
As with the other cards, it comes with benefits. There are double reward points when spending on groceries and the titanium rewards will give you 1 Titanium reward points for every PKR 75 that you spend. However you can avail double reward points when you use your card for international transactions. The points can be redeemed instantly at more than 800 outlets offering choice and versatility. Since the card offers MasterCard network, you can also avail lounge access at more than 10 international airports.
Withing Pakistan, get airport lounge access at wide range of airports (Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad International Airports) while spending on dining, shopping and sports also comes with large discounts. For those who are looking to save money on home appliances and electricals, the installment plans will offer 0% installments making purchasing large goods affordable.
4- Faysal Bank Platinum Credit Card
The Faysal Bank platinum credit card is all about giving you the ability to spend in line with your lifestyle. It comes with a limit of 400k- 700k and there is an annual fee of PKR 8,000. The minimum income for this card is PKR 200k but once again, with this comes many benefits that can certainly enhance the way in which you spend.
There are reward points for every PKR 50 that you spend with points being redeemed easily at over 800 outlets. International spending gives you double reward points and the complimentary golf program offers 4 complimentary green fees each month. For those who like to travel, you will be able to benefit from airport lounge access (both at domestic and international airports) and there are valet service available at a number of key locations. If you dine out a lot, then you could receive discounts of up to 25% at more than 80 restaurants and there are over 100 lifestyle brands that offer a discount of up to 50%.
This is a card that simply keeps on giving, making it ideal for those who live a well-rounded lifestyle.
5- Faysal Bank World Credit Card
This is a top range world credit card offered by Faysal Bank targeted for company executives and businessmen. A credit card that is available to those over the age of 18, it offering a limit of 500k with an annual fee of PKR 15,000 making it a very affordable and accessible card when offering a range of top class rewards, and benefits on lifestyle spending. For example, you can also avail access to MasterCard’s experience program that allows you to experience travel programs, getting discount at leading hotels, car rental and various complementary services such as insurance. It does require a minimum income of PKR 500k but with this then comes a whole host of benefits.
The card offers discounts of up to 20% as well as reward points for every PKR 50 spend. It also offers valet parking, airport lounge access at many domestic and international airports, golf program and a meet and assist service. This is an ideal card for those looking to spend and receive rewards at the same time.
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Which Card is Best for Me?
The answer to this is down to what you need and the lifestyle you would like to experience. Faysal Bank offers a wide range of cards as summarized above and using Mawazna.com, you can compare all the cards available to you. However, it is clear to see that Faysal Bank is doing all it can to provide customers with a flexible approach to finding the card they need.
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