If you have heard about credit cards but admit to not knowing a lot about them, then perhaps now is the time to educate yourself. So many people are now turning to credit cards in order for them to make the purchases they need while having greater control over their money management.
What is a Credit Card?
Many banks across Pakistan now offer credit cards and the usage of credit card in increasing day by day. In fact, all the leading banks in Pakistan offer a wide range of credit cards that vary in a number of different ways such as the benefits they offer, the rate, the credit limit and the target customers and much more. A credit card lender will provide you with a limit based on your specific circumstances and you will be able to spend that limit each month, before repaying it each month. It is a simple way of managing your money from one simplified account.
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What Can I Use a Credit Card For?
The great thing about credit cards is that they can be used for almost every single purchase including resturantes, purchases online tickets, grocery items or any other payments. First of all, you could decide to use it for your everyday purchases. It means that you can leave your money in your account and then pay it off each month. However, credit cards offer so much more than that.
You might be looking to make a large purchase such as a TV or electronic item, new computer or maybe home furniture. Whatever it might be, it will enable you to spread the payment over a number of months, making the purchase affordable but also attainable. It provides you with the finance you need, at a time when you might not be able to afford it. You can also convert the payback amounts in installments.
However, you have to remember that you are using money that belongs to the bank and so, you will be expected to reach the minimum monthly payment or face hefty financial penalties.
Do You Need a Credit Card?
A credit card works as a short-term lending tool and is always with you to be used at the time of need irrespective of your geographical location. You never know when you might need or what you might need it for.
Perhaps you might require emergency hospital payments to be made at a hospital, if this is the case then you can simply use the card to pay for the expenses. Also, if you are planning to go abroad to visit another country or local city of Pakistan, you may need to pay for the flights on urgent basis and you have no cash.
Additional Reading: Key Best Practices for Using Your Credit Card Wisely
A credit card will help you to deal with all such planned or emergency payments. You can also withdraw a certain amount as cash from the ATMs. An additional advantage is that you will also earn bonus points, reward points on all such purchases that you can redeem as well. In addition for certain payments with a Lender’s partner outlet, you will be offered various discounts on purchases. That is how flexible a credit card really is.
Credit Card Options
It is important to understand that there is not just one overarching credit card that all banks use. They vary between banks as they are all trying to get your business and so if you want to apply for credit cards now, you have to know what you are looking for and what works best for you. Remember, a credit card can also put you in trouble if that is not good product for you or if you do not use it wisely. Mawazna.com works with various leading banks as their Partner and you can directly apply for a credit card through Mawazna.com credit card marketplace.
You could benefit from credit cards that give your reward points for spending in shops that you use frequently or they could provide you with other benefits such as Airport lounge access. You have to make sure that you consider all options available to you and how they relate to your specific circumstances.
The Importance of Comparing Credit Cards
The great thing about searching for a credit card is that the process is neither time-consuming nor arduous. This is because Mawazna.com is the leading credit card marketplace and comparison platform that makes the whole process as simple as possible. When you decide that you want to apply for credit cards now, all you need to do is input some vital details about yourself and then you will be presented with the many different banks that offer credit cards. You can also apply through Mawazna.com to save your time. This comparison service is designed to put you in control of your decision making, ensuring that you choose a credit card that is right for you and your needs.
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