Having a credit card that works for you is all about understanding how you plan to use it. Do you plan to use it to make one large purchase or do you plan to use it as your every day card? A credit card from MCB will offer you a wide range of benefits and excellent rates. There are main three types of credit cards offered by MCB which makes it more important for you to really understand what you require.
1- MCB Gold Credit Card and MCB Classic Credit Card
These cards comes packed with a lot of features and accepted in all automated ATMs across Pakistan, as well as millions of locations around the world.
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Key Features
i-Revolve – This provides users with a reduced rate on older purchases that can be up to 6 months old. The more you revolved, the lower the rate becomes.
i-Secure – This card comes with extra protection, ensuring you are free from fraudulent activity through the use of encryption.
Payments – It is simple to pay off your balance in a number of ways. You can pay at branches, at drop boxes, by direct debit, through internet banking, mobile banking and over the phone.
i-Switch – If you have an outstanding balance on another credit card, you can transfer it to your MCB card and continue to pay the balance off. The transfer comes at a small cost but you will receive reward points for switching.
i-Educate – This is a great option for those who are paying for the education of their child. Fees can be paid in monthly instalments through these cards.
i-Plan – This makes it possible to buy now and pay later by spreading the payments for up to 36 months.
i-Insure – For a monthly fee, it is possible to take out life insurance, travel insurance, education insurance, loss of documents and cash and credit security.
i-Bill – Paying utility bills is now even easier as a wide range of utility companies accept payment using a MCB credit card.
i-Cash and i-Cash on Call – Makes it possible for you to withdraw up to 75% of your credit limit or in just one call, you can transfer money to yourself.
i-Dial – This offers instant cash with just one call.
i-Alert – Staying informed of when your card is used can help you to manage your card but also identify fraudulent activity.
i-Reward and i-Shop – For every 50 PKR you spend, you will receive 1 point. These can then be redeemed in the i-Shop Catalogue.
Priority Pass – Users will have access to VIP airport lounges in 100 countries.
Marketing Alliances – Users can also benefit from offers with large companies such as Huawei, Honda and Samsung etc.
Charges – There is no joining fee and no annual fee but there is a chip maintenance fee of PKR 1,500 for the Gold card and PKR 1,000 for the classic card which is the main difference in both of these cards.
2- MCB Platinum Credit Card
The MCB Platinium credit card is designed to provide you an exclusive customer experience wherever you go across the world.
Key Features
i-Revolve – In the same way as the Classic and Gold cards, as your purchases become older –up to six months, the rate that is paid reduces.
i-Secure – Through an embedded chip, the card is protected from fraudulent use and scams.
Payment – Any balance that is owed on the card can be paid by heading into a branch, using a drop box, a direct debit can be set up, mobile banking or internet banking and it can be paid over the phone.
i-switch – The card makes it possible to transfer any outstanding balance from another credit card to an MCB Platinum card where a small fee will be paid but the user can then continue to pay off the balance.
i-Educate – Spread the cost of education over as much as three months so that fees can be paid in monthly instalments.
i-Plan – Payments of PKR 3000 or more can be split into monthly instalments that can be paid over as much as 36 months.
i-Insure – The card offers wallet protection from fraudulent activity, theft or loss while there is also life insurance, travel insurance, education insurance and accidental death or disability insurance.
i-Bill – make a one-time payment or set up regular payments with a wide range of utility suppliers.
i-Cash and i-Cash on Call – Users can withdraw up to 75% of their credit limit or request a specific amount to be transferred to themselves.
i-Dial – This offers an instant loan in just one phone call with a pay order being delivered to a chosen address in just three days.
i-Alert – Alerts are received for all transactions that take place on the card and receive mini statements on a monthly basis.
i-Reward and i-Shop – For every PKR 50 that is spent in Pakistan, users will receive 1 point but spends abroad will see the point tripled. The points can then be used in the i-Shop catalogue.
Priority Pass – Access to 600 airport lounges in Pakistan and across the world will help to make travel that little bit easier.
Marketing Alliances – A range of offers with suppliers such as Samsung and Honda.
Charges – There is no joining fee or annual fee but there is a PKR 3,000 chip maintenance fee.
As you can see, all cards come with a huge number of benefits that can make having a credit card a great way of spending but also provides rewards and offers. Even though there is a chip maintenance fee, the rates are low but you must ensure that you compare all credit cards available to you through Mawazna.com. This will enable you to make an informed decision when it comes to choosing a card that is right for you.
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