Travelling is the dream of every person irrespective of the age especially when travelling for studying abroad. This article highlights the need to have a student travel insurance Pakistan, when you are traveling from Pakistan to study abroad. To travel around the globe or any place of your own choice you need to do preparation which includes logistics, documentation and added weather preparation to be on the safe side. But travelling to another country or any place where you haven’t been there before and exploring for the first time is a risky move. To save yourself from the potential risk, its better to buy travel insurance. Travel insurance comes in handy at time when you are lost with the damages, it saves your pocket from getting big hole.
A sizeable number of students travel abroad for studies, for job, for visiting their dream destination individually or in groups. After spending so much money on the visa, boarding and admission- you only want to get worried for the grades and job. In such a scenario, we overlook many risky situations which if not handled properly might bother big time. To avoid such hassled situation, it is advisable to travel secure and spend some money on buying travel insurance so that it can give you a cushion in difficult times.
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Importance of a Travel Insurance for a Student:
From a student perspective travel insurance holds paramount importance. As it is the requirement of many universities to have the travel insurance. This can cover the potential liabilities which a student can face in the university time frame. This includes: hospitalization, missing of important documents, loss of luggage, any urgent medicine and many other things. The student travel insurance cover many of these things and it will save you and your family from the tension and they at home have the peaceful sleep while you can study without tension abroad. A common misconception among the students is that the insurance can be purchased from the designated university only and they started looking for the universities which offers insurance as well, which is quite expensive. Therefore, to save yourself and your parents from the tension, you can buy student travel insurance from here which covers wide range of areas depending upon your need.
Here are few leading insurance companies which offers Student Travel Insurance, let’s have a look on them.
1- Jubilee Travel Insurance Plan:
Jubilee offers multiple Travel Insurance plan for students which are: Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. The age bracket for the students to avail these plans are from 18-50 years. The plans provide coverage for 365 around the year and are alligned with the international standards of study travel insurance plans. Various benefits include but not limited to the following:
– All major expenses related to the hospitalization and other types of sickness
– Coverage for the tuition fee
– Coverage for one close family member who can travel to your desitination and can also stay with you during your hospitalization
– Travel related coverages such as loss of passport or baggage etc
– Permanent disability
– Evacuating of the insured due to medical reasons to another better place
2- Adam jee Travel Insurance Plan:
Adam jee is also offering “Go-Secure” Student Travel Insurance Policy. The students under the age bracket of 16-45 years can avail this opportunity.
3- IGI Insurance Company:
IGI is as well offering Travel Insurance to students as well as the adults under the umbrella of “Travel Sure”. In this plan a regular family is covered with spouse up to age 65 years and children from 1-18 years.
In a nutshell, student travel insurance plays a significant role in saving you from the potential risks. Visit to know about the detailed information regarding student travel insurance plans Pakistan and protect yourself from the future hassle.
“Mawazna Karein Apne Liye, Apno key Liye”