If you own a vehicle, you have probably spent a lot of money on purchasing it and so, however it is also important that you protect it all the time. TPL Car Insurance is designed to provide you with complete peace of mind, knowing that your car is protected through TPL Car Insurance. TPL Insurance limited offers a number of auto insurance products to tailored to the specific need of every individual and vehicle. The product is also called TPL Insurance’s Auto Direct plan and offers a variety of features such as fast claim processing etc.
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Packages Offered by TPL Car Insurance
TPL Insurance limited offers a number of TPL Car Insurance packages to fit needs of all. Therefore, it is simple for you to find a plan that fits your circumstances best.
1- Comprehensive car insurance is designed to protect you from every kind of eventuality including minor damage to a total loss to you and the third party involved in an accident. Having this kind of cover ensures that benefit from insurance that gives your stress-free motoring.
2- Self-insurance offers you a facility to cover yourself for damages costing up to PKR 10,000 and as an incentive for taking out this product’s initial coverage, you will benefit from a 25% discount on the gross premium. This is mainly a risk sharing feature.
3- 5T car insurance product is destined to provide you with one single insurance that offers 5 times the benefits by providing 5 major coverage types including Terrorism, Theft, Third Party Insurance and Trakker Services, offering a wide range of cover across the board.
Additional Reading: Key Tips to Find Best Car Takaful in Pakistan
Additional Extras offered by TPL Car Insurance
It is possible for customers to add extra items to enhance the level of cover they have.
Kar4KAr (Car for Car) is an add-on that offers a like for like replacement should your car be stolen or written off. This means that you will be given a new car that matches the vehicle you had within 7 days.
An accident can occur at any time and that could mean that you become injured. The Personal Accident add-on will cover all medical bills, ensuring that you can focus on your recovery.
This is a unique offering focsed on car breakdown cover and servicing you at the time of need. When you own a vehicle, problems can arise at any time such as breakdowns or a flat tyre but the EVAC Service add-on will provide assistance around the clock but this is only available in Karachi at this time.
Senior citizens are rewarded for their seniority and experience of driving and so, this add is will give insurance holders a 20% discount on their car insurance premium.
TPL Car Insurance also recognises the efforts of those women who work and so, for their cautious approach to driving, they are afforded a 20% discount with this add-on.
For those who are in the armed forces, TPL acknowledges the work that they do and so, a 20% discount is offered to personnel who are still in service or retired.
Free Features on Offer with TPL Car Insurance
TPL car insurance offers more than just paid add-ons because it also offers a wide range of benefits that enhance the products on offer.
The thing that makes car insurance so important is the way that it works for you when you need it for example claim submissions. Therefore, they aim to lodge all claims in 60 seconds, process them in 45 minutes and settled within one week. Claims can be made using a simple process and there are approved workshops available for you to take your vehicle to for repair work.
When a claim is made, customers like to be kept informed and so, a mobile app makes it possible for them to track claims. This kind of contact and access ensures that customers benefit from understanding where they claim is within the claim process.
When your vehicle is stolen, it can be frustrating but many insurers can take months for you to receive a replacement. TPL car insurance aims to provide you with a new vehicle in 7 days, and with their customer service available all day, every day, customers are never far away from assistance when they need it.
In addition they also offer allowing you take your car to one of their approved workshops in addition to lodging car insurance cliams within 60 seconds.
Always Compare before You Buy Car Insurance in Pakistan
Purchasing a car insurance is no longer a difficult and time-consuming process. This is because Mawazna.com brings a wide range of insurance providers to you, enabling you to compare car insurance rates, prices, coverages offered by the leading car insurance companies. Mawazna.com – Pakistan’s leading financial services comparison platfirm aims to offer you trust worthy services at your finger tips. You can then make an informed decision regarding who you purchase your insurance with and how much you pay.
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